GROUP - TERM 1 2025 Friday UFO Group
TERM 1 2025 Thursday UFO Group (Un- Finished Objects)
Term 1 Pass 2025 - 10 Weeks
Dates: Friday 31th January to Friday 4th April 2025
Time: 10am to 12:30pm
Studio 2: Learning Center
Seats Limited
$10 per Week For Tulip Club Members GST Inclusive Price
$15 per Week for Non Members GST Inclusive Price
*GST will be applied at checkout. (OZ event)
QSQ Policy: Retreats, Events, UFO, Sit and Stitch, Classes
• All payments for classes, UFO, sit and stitch, events and retreats must be paid online via at the time of signing up.
• For UFO and sit and stitch members, tickets will be released online on your last day of term for you to renew for the following term. You have till the end of that day to renew your seat for the next term, otherwise your seat may be sold. Please contact QSQ staff if you have any questions or concerns.
• UFO and sit and stitch tickets are purchased per term for either a full time or part time (every second week) seat for a 10 week term unless otherwise specified by QSQ staff. If public holidays fall on your regular day within the term, you will not be charged accordingly.
• Your ticket buys your seat for the term – no swapping seats or refunds will be given if you are unable to attend a particular week.
• If your UFO or sit and stitch class is cancelled or QSQ is closed due to unforeseen circumstances, you will be reimbursed at QSQ’s discretion. No refunds will be given if you are unable to attend due to illness or other engagements. If an event is cancelled by QSQ we will reschedule the event if possible and your ticket will be transferred automatically. Please refer to the Twilight to Twilight retreat policy for more information on the cancellation or closure of retreats due to covid or other unforeseen circumstances.
• If known in advance that you are unable to attend a UFO or sit and stitch group for a reasonable amount of time you may choose not to renew for a term. In this case, please contact QSQ staff. Your seat will be put on hold for you and you will be given priority for the following term should you wish to return, and the seat for your absent term may be sold by QSQ for a casual term. Please let us know that you won’t be able to make a term as we have a waitlist of clients keen to join our UFO and sit and stitch groups.
• Please inform studio 2 staff of allergies, dietary requirements or health concerns that may be relevant while you are spending time with us during an event or in Studio 2. Please also provide staff with a current emergency contact upon signing up or renewing Tulip Club membership.
• Communication is key. Please let us know if you are unable to attend any classes, events or regular UFO or sit and stitch groups prior to the start of these groups, and please talk to us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or other issues concerning an event, class, retreat, UFO or sit and stitch group.